Daily Archives: September 14, 2011

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Mt Kisco NY Real Estate | Weighing the Pros and Cons of Custom Website Design

Your website is an incredibly important component of your online marketing. While that may seem like a “well, duh” statement, there’s no shortage of poorly designed websites to make it worth saying again. First off, your company’s website may be the first (but hopefully not only) impression your brand gets to make on a potential customer.

What does your website say about you? Is it outdated, cluttered and unappealing? Or is it simple, streamlined and professional? Secondly, your off-site SEO is only as good as your site itself. You can invest the man hours into building an incredible portfolio of diverse, quality inbound links second to none, but if all those links lead visitors to a poorly designed site they’ll leave just as fast as they came. All your off-site SEO efforts go right out the window.

Developing a good website starts with one question: “Do I want to pay for it?”

There are hundreds upon thousands of free website templates for you to choose from when building your site. Some are great, and some should never see the light of day. Chances are you’ll have to sort through a lot of the latter before you find one that you can make work for your brand and site goals.

Pros of Free Website Templates

1. They’re free.

If you’re brand new business launching a brand new site, you may not have the budget for a professional, custom website design. Using a free template means you can allocate your limited budget elsewhere.

2. Plug and Play

Since free templates are ready-made, you can just drop your information in and launch it. There’s minimal backend work needed on your part. New domains need time to earn a trust factor with search engines. The sooner you get your site launched the more time you give yourself and your site to do so.

3. You can do it yourself

When you use a free template, you’re the designer. You can make changes at 2 AM if you feel like it – you call the shots.

Cons of Free Website Templates

1. Other sites look the same

The best free website templates get used a lot. You’re probably not the only one to stumble upon that certain perfect design for your site. There might be hundreds of sites that look just like it.

2. People can tell when it’s free

Most free templates don’t hide the fact that they’re free templates very well. Unless you do some serious editing to create a custom header and footer, most people can tell.

3. It might not mesh perfectly

Since the template wasn’t designed specifically for your site, you may not be able to create your ideal site.

If you decided you did want to pay for a custom website design, there’s no shortage of great web designers and developers willing to do the work for you, if you don’t have the skills.

Pros of Custom Website Designs

1. It’s whatever you want it to be

No need for compromise when developing a custom website. You can build it to look and feel however you want.

2. Accurately reflects your brand

You aren’t trying to fit a round peg into a square hole when you custom design your site. You are the only one with this design. Every aspect of that site is designed to reflect your brand and online goals. You can customize your site design to fit in with the rest of your Internet strategy.

3. You don’t have to worry about it

If you don’t know anything about web design and development, hiring a professional to do it for you lifts the burden off your shoulders so you can concentrate on other things.

Cons of Custom Website Designs

1. It can get expensive

Depending on skill level, a web designer or developer could charge you anywhere from $35 to $300 dollars an hour to build and maintain your site. Even if you just want to make small changes, it can get very costly very quickly.

2. Changes may take time

When you’re not the one handling the web design, you have to count on a 3rd party to make the needed changes. Developments might not happen as quickly as you’d like.

There are pros and cons to both free templates and custom designs. You have to decide what makes sense for your business and your budget. New sites may want to stick with free templates until they have more wiggle room in their budget. Established brands might want to create a custom design to ensure their online and offline branding align properly. Whatever your reasons, just make sure you think it through before you go live!

North Salem NY Real Estate for Sale | Building of SEO Strategy for Small Business Sites

Let’s consider the stages of a successful SEO campaign:

  • Setting goals and defining where you’re going, and what’re you’re planning to achieve
  • Research the competition and analyzing the market Analysis
  • Keyword research, which means selecting keywords with the best search-volume-to-competition ratio
  • On-site SEO, optimizing meta titles, creating correct robots.txt file, creating and submitting a .xml sitemap of your site, and a thorough analysis of your site’s content and structure
  • Link building
  • Results analysis

Now let’s look at those stages in more detail.

Competitive Research and Market Analysis

Be neither afraid nor ashamed of spying on your competitors and borrowing ideas from them. Surely you can create your own unique SEO strategy and stick to it, but remember that while innovation is adorable, it’s rarely successful. Statistics show that innovators only make use of around 2% of the total value of their innovations, the rest obviously goes to imitators.

If you look closely for a good technique or strategy to copy, there’s a good chance that you will surpass its inventor eventually!

The trick is to know whom to copy and on whom to spy. How do you do that?

To identify your true competitors and sites worth investigating, all you need is to type a couple of the most popular queries in your niche into Google, and the guys that occupy the top 20 positions in the search engine results pages (or SERPs for short) are worth studying and copying.


When you get those top 20 results for your query, make sure you’ve got SEO Quake plugin for Firefox installed and turned on. It makes the Google results look like this:


This plugin shows lots of useful information on a domain, but what’s most crucial is the Alexa rank. Alexa rank reflects the traffic to a site. The smaller the Alexa rank is, the better the site performs.

After you’ve found the sites with the smallest Alexa rank, go to Semrush.com and add your competitor’s URL. SemRush will give you the URLs of your competitors both in organic search results and in paid AdWords campaigns.


It’s a very helpful tool, because it gives you an idea of the traffic you can hope for if you get to top positions in Google, as it also shows how much traffic your competitor’s site is getting from organic top 20 results.

When trying to outperform your competitors, also mind that other things that matter beyond keywords choice. Usually top 10 sites are trusted domains that were registered more than 2 years ago, have a good history and a rich back-link profile.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the stage that should be treated seriously.

Crucial rules essential for a quality keyword research:

  • Don’t focus on too broad and general queries, develop a list of long tail keyword phrase ideas based on your main subject.
  • Mind the competition! To get an idea of the certain keyword competition it’s enough to type it into Google. If Google fetches a couple of hundreds of millions results, and the top 20 is occupied by highly authoritative sites with solid backlink profile, good history and high page rank – forget about this keyword. That’s why we strongly recommend looking for good long-tail keyphrases rather than something like “jewelry online” or “online shopping”.
  • The third rule is relevance. It’s tempting to pick up a keyword that’s not exactly what you have on your site, but is damn close with a high search volume and low competition. But beware of such temptations! Your efforts at getting to the top for such keywords will be rewarded with very little conversion.
  • The rule of golden middle: Take keyword research seriously, and don’t hope to increase your sales promoting by a bunch of hype key phrases. The list of your keywords should be full and exhaustive, but don’t forget that you’ll have to optimize for all the words you’ve chosen. Be moderate and find that golden middle for your SEO campaign.
  • When searching, always tick the “exact” box in the Match Types menu, this will give you the closest to reality numbers. This rule is elementary, yet often misguides DIY SEOs.


Hit the “Exact” box in the Match Types menu

  • Don’t forget about keywords your site is already ranking for. Be sure to include them onto your keyword list, they’ll be the first ones to get to the top and ultimately convert.

On-Site SEO

On-site SEO starts with choosing correct landing pages. By this stage you should already have a good revised keywords list. It’s now very important to stick them to appropriate pages of your site.

When choosing landing pages, cover as much of the whole site as possible. Don’t focus on the home page only. Home pages usually have more informational and navigational character rather than transactional. Category pages and even product pages can be considered perfect landing pages. It will be much easier to optimize them for buying keyphrases, and together with good calls to action, they’ll bring much higher conversion rates.

As for the home page, we recommend sticking the most general key phrases that have the highest search volumes.

When the list of keywords is matched to the landing pages, proceed to on-site SEO or on-page optimization.

Title Tag

Meta tags remain the key aspects of on-site SEO. Title and description tags are still important factors for search engines, unlike the meta keywords tag that’s now totally ignored due to its vast abuse.  Most SEO’s today acknowledge that Title tag is the most important ranking factor. Seriously, sometimes creating a good optimized title is enough for the page to pop up in the top 10 results!

The title tag you put onto the page is displayed at the top of most Internet browsers, and the underlined text within the search results page forms a hyperlink leading to your website. So besides important SEO value, title tag can be a very powerful call-to-action tool.

Basic rules to observe when creating title tags:

  • Put the most relevant keyphrase or several key phrases to the left of the title and end it up with the brand name e.g.

<title> Baltic Amber Jewellery, Mammoth Ivory and Gemstone Handmade Jewelry at Amberexpert </title>

The title should be grammatically correct, readable and good for SEO. Also remember that only the first 70 characters of the title are visible in Google results.

  • To avoid duplicate-content concerns, every single page of the site has to have its own unique title
  • Avoid keyword stuffing, use 2 to 3 keyphrases.

Description Tag

The next tag to be necessarily optimized is the description tag.

Description tag denotes the information displayed in the SERPs, right under the page title and it forms the «snippet» of the page. This tag isn’t as significant for the search engines as the title tag, but you should optimize it well. Otherwise, search engines may pull the description from anywhere on the page or even pull it from any other sites it considers authoritative, mentioning your website, if you don’t bother to optimize your description tag yourself.

Tips on meta description tag optimization:

  • Remember the snippet is only 150 characters long in the SERPs, so fit into it the summary of the webpage described + call-to-action + a couple of keywords
  • Create unique description tags on all significant pages
  • Make it different from title tag, and remember those two will be displayed together, so they should match each other naturally.
  • Mind that the use of competitor brands in meta tags is illegal in most countries

Text Optimization

The tag that carries some significant SEO value is the <h1> tag. This is a sub-heading marker, and if you include relevant keywords into this tag some positive effect is guaranteed. There are also <h2>, <h3>, <h4> and etc. tags, but their value is slender.

Some tips on <h1> use:

  • If you use various headings (h1 and h2), use different keywords in each of them,
  • Make h1 different from the title so you’ll cover more target keyphrase variants
  • Use CSS to reduce the huge font h1 tag creates by default

Text mark-up features like bold, italics and underline have little to no SEO value. Yet bolding is the most effective among them. Don’t overuse these formatting options as you can confuse your visitors, mind that underlined font is usually used for hyperlinks and italics for quotations.

As for the text itself and its volume, ideal volumes for SEO are 350 to 500 words of pure content per page, but don’t get fixed on that. The main things about the texts on the pages are uniqueness and relevance.


The most significant mark-up feature in the text is hyperlinks. They’re good for both SEO and usability.

To get the most out of hyperlinks:

Use hyperlinks with the relevant anchor text. Rather than something like «click here» or «see more» put your keywords into the anchor text and point the link to the relevant landing page

  • Try to use the same relevant anchor text both in the navigation menus and in body copy
  • Make the link useful for the user, they should follow it naturally and intuitively

Since we’ve touched upon internal linking of the site, it’s worth mentioning outbound linking too. Some business owners have adopted a very negative attitude towards linking to other websites. Here again the key is moderatation.

  • Outbound links to trusted, highly authoritative resources will make your site more attractive to search engines
  • Try to keep the overall number of links per page (both external and internal) 100 or under
  • Link to non-competitive relevant third-party sites that are helpful to your visitors

Link Building Campaign

This is the most difficult and yet most significant stage of the SEO campaign, as it’s off-site optimization. Basic things to start from for any small business:

  • Directories submission give low value back-links, but if you approach it wisely and thoroughly by choosing relevant directories in your field and country you may get up to 300-500 links that will give a first push to your site in the search engines
  • Social bookmarks submission is a great option to promote long-tail keywords with little competition and also serve a great way of speeding up the indexation
  • WordPress themes sponsoring is a shrewd way of getting thousands of free permanent backlinks that appear gradually over a long period of time. However this way requires patience as you won’t get a quick boost in rankings

There are other ways of getting backlinks to your site, some webmasters look for relevant do-follow blogs (by «do follow», I mean the default link tag to outbound links which pass link juice as opposed to no-follow tags) and post leaving backlinks to their sites. However, if you chose this way don’t get carried away and end up spamming bloggers with some gobbledygook nonsense comments that irritate the community.

No matter which way you chose – follow these 4 simple tips to maximize your effort:

  • Use your keywords for the anchor text of your backlinks everywhere possible
  • Chose sites relevant to your niche for linking
  • Pay attention to authority rather than page rank. For example, if you have a chance to put your link on a 0 PR page of the Independent magazine, it’ll pass more value to your site than some PR 4 backlink from a god-forgotten-website.com. Don’t get me wrong, low-value backlinks won’t hurt you site, but they may not be worth the effort of adding them.
  • Think about the variety of your backlink profile. Getting site wide links is a great thing, go for them if you can, but remember that 100 links from a single site are worth nothing compared to 40 from all different resources!

Besides, there are also ways of getting natural backlinks through on-site optimization.

Depending on the niche of your business you may try:

  • Offering buying guides, tutorials, authorized comments on bright events of your niche, product reviews – all sorts of unique and resourceful content
  • Link baits of different kinds related to your industry – videos, images, downloadable widgets, humorous content and etc.

Don’t forget to equip all these with easy sharing options and socialization buttons to increase your site’s citation on the web.

Monitoring and Results Analysis

So now that we’ve optimized our project both on-site and off-site, and perhaps even started to receive first calls and orders, is it time to rest on the laurels? Certainly not! To fully understand all the causes and effects of the campaign, we strongly recommend installing a complete set of Google Analytics’ tracking code onto your site. It shows you where your visitors came from (through search engines, referring sites or type-in), what queries they used, how long they stayed on your site, what goods they purchased, how many pages they viewed, their exact path to the checkout page, and loads of other useful information.

To be fully aware of what’s going on and where your SEO campaign is, you should monitor your site in Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools regularly. We also advise you to check your site rankings in the search engines at least once a week. Combining your rankings data with your Google Analytics statistics, you can reveal weak chains in your campaign, keywords that aren’t bringing in the traffic and that need to be reconsidered.

To check your site’s rankings you may use various free online tools like SEO SERP or a free plug-in for Firefox – Rank Checker. SEO SERP allows you to view the first 1000 positions of global and any local version of Google, whereas Rank Checker allows you to view only the first 200 positions, but for all Google versions plus Yahoo and Bing and you can check up to 100 queries simultaneously.


Besides your site’s monitoring, it is also very useful to peep into your competitors sites from time to time to see if they maybe adopted some interesting changes that might be useful for you too.

Alternative ways of small businesses promotion and new trends in SEO

The techniques I’ve mentioned earlier are traditional and effective for any business online. But recently some additional ways to promote websites, mostly in Google, have appeared (as the most progressive search engine), and you can attract additional traffic to your site besides traditional web search.

Google (and be sure that Yahoo and Bing will follow) in their aspiration to give the completest answer possible to their users queries has introduced alternative ways of search such as:

  • local search
  • shopping search
  • video search
  • images search
  • books search
  • blogs search


Promotion in these kinds of searches does not have that huge traffic potential as the traditional web search does, but it will take less effort to get to the top, as the competition is much lesser in those fields.


So to sum it all up, let’s outline the main takeaways:

  • SEO is a perfect tool for small businesses promotion
  • plan your SEO campaign carefully, monitor and spy on your successful competitors
  • spare no effort on keyword research as it is the foundation of your future success
  • examine your landing pages and optimize them both for search engines and real visitors
  • pay attention to the content — the text of the title and body needs optimization first of all
  • treat link building seriously, be patient and get great results in the long run
  • follow the latest trends in SEO, optimize for alternative ways of searches
  • track, monitor and analyze your performance regularly

Bedford Hills Real Estate | Michaelis Leads in GOP Primary for District 2 – Bedford-Katonah, NY Patch

As early as last week, Michaelis was planning a primary election victory party at Peppino’s Restaurant in Katonah.

Tonight, he’s tentatively celebrating victory over Noth Salem challenger Lisa Douglas.

“We’re thrilled with the results,” Michaelis, a Bedford resident, said. He feels that the numbers show that people in District 2 want change, and he talked about his support for County Executive Rob Astorino’s fiscal policies.

While the Michaelis camp did not definitively declare victory, they feel confident that the results will hold.

“We feel pretty strong about the numbers,” said Britta Vander Linden, who is helping to run his campaign.


By shortly after midnight, unofficial results posted on the Westchester County Board of Elections website were pointing toward a Michaelis victory.

Michaelis leads 823 votes to Douglas’ 389 votes, with 69 percent of the election districts counted.   

District 2 encompasses Bedford, Lewisboro, Mount Kisco, North Salem, Pound Ridge and Somers.

When reached at approximately 10:30 p.m., a representative from Douglas’ campaign said she was not ready to concede the race.

The winner of tonight’s primary faces the incumbent, Peter Harckham of Katonah, in November.

Check back with Patch for updates to this story.

Bedford NY Homes | Manny Ramirez Finally Sells Boston Penthouse

Source: NY Daily News

Like his personal life, the sale of Manny Ramirez’s penthouse condo comes with a little controversy. The retired slugger and outfielder finally sold his Boston Ritz-Carlton apartment after several years on the market. However, Boston real estate agent Michael Doherty is suing the listing broker and buyers, saying they fleeced him out of a $110,000 commission on the expected $5.55 million sale, according to Boston.com.

Doherty says in court documents that he notified the buyers of the availability of Ramirez’s apartment, however the buyers and their agent stated that “Doherty did not represent the couple at the time the sale agreement was reached.”

Ramirez picked up his 37th-floor penthouse at the extra-luxe Ritz-Carlton for $5,778,790 in October 2001. He first listed the property in 2009 for $8.5 million — about a year after he was traded to the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Ramirez was at the height of his career with the Red Sox, but due to his erratic behavior, he was traded to the Dodgers. He briefly played for the Chicago White Sox (claimed on waivers) before he signed a one-year, $2 million deal with the Tampa Bay Rays where he ended his career abruptly in retirement rather than face the 100-game ban imposed on him after he failed several drug tests. Outside of issues with the MLB’s drug policy, Manny Ramirez was also recently arrested for reported domestic violence against his wife. The two live currently in Florida.

Manny’s Boston property bounced around from agent to agent after it first hit the market, and it was re-listed a few times with significant price cuts until it recently sold for its reduced price of $5.5 million. Although Boston real estate holds several high-end properties, it hasn’t been completely unaffected by the market. Median Boston home values hit at $337,800 and home values in Chinatown, where Ramirez’s condo was located, are $633,200, which are high but still not at the real estate peak.

Ramirez’s Boston penthouse has floor-to-ceiling windows, a large private terrace with views of the skyline as well as marble floors and over-sized living spaces with 10-foot ceilings, 4 bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms.

This Ritz-Carlton residence also includes three valet parking services, a doorman, concierge and valet.

Photos via Boston.com.

Pound Ridge Real Estate | Hilary Duff’s House Re-listed With a Price Chop

Source: IMDb

At some point child stars grow up. They get married, buy a newlywed nest in a gated celeb-friendly development, and eventually start having kids. And at some point, they list their first mansions — the homes they purchased at age 16 or 17 when most other teens their age are still in high school, worrying about their math homework.

Hilary Duff’s home in Toluca Lake, the first estate she picked up as the teen star of Disney’s Lizzie McGuire franchise, is listed for sale for $6.25 million.

According to an old post by The Real Estalker, this isn’t the first time the blonde singer and actress listed the Mediterranean estate. A year ago she had it on the market as an undisclosed listing for $7 million with Keller Williams. It looks like she’s switched strategies — and brokers — because the property is back on the Toluca Lake real estate market, this time as an MLS-listed home with Hilton & Hyland. Duff also chopped the price a bit — down to $6.25 million.

Duff got her first major break as the teenage star of Lizzie McGuire where she portrayed the trials of being a middle-schooler — boys, school and of course, younger brothers. From there she released a few albums, starred in a few lighthearted flicks like “A Cinderella Story,” and launched a clothing line and a few perfumes. She’s back in the gossip magazines big time with the announcement of her pregnancy with new hubby, NHL player Mike Comrie of the Pittsburgh Penguins.The two live in the star-studded Summit community of Beverly Hills. (The couple can count Britney Spears, Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefani, not to mention Jennifer Love Hewitt as neighbors.)

According to the property listing, Duff bought the home in March 2004 for $3,500,000. The estate sits in an exclusive neighborhood, situated behind grand gates, (which is what every celebrity wants in a home), and has 9,277 square feet of living space. Despite the price cut, it looks like Duff will make a little bit of a profit on the home, even though median Toluca Lake home values are dropping 5.4 percent year-over-year.

The 5-bedroom, 6-bath home includes a home office, library, billiard room and oddly enough — considering that Duff bought the home before she was 18 — a cognac-tasting room and wine cellar.  A private gym, gift-wrapping room, chef’s kitchen, game room and enormous walk-in closets round out the rest of the interior. Outside, the home has a pool, several patios with views and a covered pergola with outdoor fireplace.

Wondering how affordable the home is? With 20 percent down and a 30-year-fixed loan and current low mortgage rates, monthly payments on Duff’s house would run about $32,428 a month.