Daily Archives: March 10, 2013

CRT’s Future is Green | Chappaqua Real Estate

In the coming year, CRT is going to include green and sustainable technologies in its discussion of technologies for our members. We are excited to be partnering with NAR’s Green REsource Council to bring you these features as part of an ongoing conversation on green technologies. Aside from CRT staff, we have some great writers from the real estate industry lined up as well.

Why Green Technologies?

For over a decade, CRT has been a think tank and hub for new technologies. Green and sustainable technologies are developing rapidly, which makes this an exciting time, as we feel that our forward-looking mission and charter is a perfect fit for this field.

Exciting changes are happening in green technology, like solar panel chargers for mobile devices, which are steadily coming down in price and becoming accessible to a wider market. We are also seeing devices with solar panels built into them. We are seeing smart home technologies come to the fore, with energy efficiency being the integral piece in that movement. We are seeing members working with more and more clients who are very interested in these emergent technologies. CRT will be actively involved in helping members understand what these technologies mean for them and how they can contribute to cost savings and conveniences that benefit their professional needs. Moving ‘off the grid’ makes it easier for members to be more mobile without having to worry about where their power will come from.

What Types of Technology?

Along with our guest contributors, we’ll be covering topics such as:

  • Building Sciences (Creating High-Performance Homes)
    • Materials that are less impactful on the environment, more sustainable and can increase the value of a home
    • Paints
    • Building Materials
    • Insulation
    • Windows
  • Personal charging and power devices
    • Solar power chargers
    • Kinetic chargers
    • Gas-free generators
  • SmartHome Technologies
    • Smart Thermostats
    • Wifi-enabled LED light bulbs
    • Metering devices
    • Member and Brokerage movements
    • Sustainable Brokerages leveraging technology
  • Member-promoted initiatives
  • NAR’s Green Designation and what it means for you

We’re very excited to discuss these topics and have you join the dialog. If you would like to be considered for a guest post or have a topic you would like to see covered, send us a note on Twitter. – @crtweet