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Lewisboro NY Realtor

Down to Earth Farmers Market | Katonah NY Real Estate



Mamaroneck: FULL Market for Last Saturday of the Season;
Bombay Emerald Chutney Co & Sale on Local Meats in Ossining
+ More
May 1st-7th, 2014

What’s New and On Sale This Week

2-3 Pound Whole Chickens
Yellow Bell Farm

Beef Kabob Cubes
SALE: $1.50 OFF per pound
Reg: $11.50/lb; NOW $10/lb

Kiernan Farm

Frozen Kofta, Rajma,
Roti Roll, Saag, & Samosa
Bombay Emerald Chutney Co.

Gluten-Free Apple Pies
and Tarts

Meredith’s Bread

Gluten-Free Reverse
Chocolate Chip Cookies

Meredith’s Bread

Pork Ribs – Country-Style
SALE: $1.50 OFF per pound

Reg: $10/lb; NOW $8.50/lb

Kiernan Farm

Spelt Bread
Made with 100% organic spelt and whole wheat flours

Orwashers Bakery

Wild Ramps
Yellow Bell Farm

Wild Ramps, Ramp Pesto &
Ramp Sausage

Stone & Thistle Farm

Click on a Market to see all vendor and event details…



Saturdays thru May 3rd
9:00 am to 1:00 pm



9:00 am-1:00 pm


8:30 am-1:00 pm


9:30 am-3:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm


8:30 am-2:00 pm

Spring Valley

Coming in July

Tarrytown/Sleepy Hollow

8:30 am-1:00 pm

New Rochelle

8:30 am-2:30 pm

Headed to the city soon?

Visit a Down to Earth
Farmers Market in NYC!

Next Weekend – Mother’s Day Weekend – May 10th & 11th

We’re getting ready to open four farmers markets over Mother’s Day Weekend:
Larchmont, Rye, Croton-on-Hudson, and Piermont. These openings are earlier than in years past, and to celebrate the timing with Mother’s Day, we’re hosting “Make Mom a Card!” events at the markets. Ossining’s Down to Earth Farmers Market will have a creation station for Mother’s Day cards, too. We’ll have great music as well. Visit the Down to Earth Markets Calendar for full details.

Stay tuned to all market happenings via our Down to Earth Markets Facebook page
and follow us on Twitter @DowntoEarthMkts.

It Takes a Village to Raise a Food Company:
The 2014 Food + Enterprise Entrepreneur Pitch Competition
Christopher Washington of Radicle Farm, a hydroponic farm in urban New Jersey

The reason why more and more people want to buy local food may be as simple as this: It is made by local people. And they have stories to share. Last week, we attended the 2014 Food + Enterprise Pitch Competition, hosted by Slow Money NYC and the Food Book Fair. Playfully dubbed “The Shark Tank for Foodies” by Derek Denckla, the Chair of Slow Money NYC, it was really a casting call for ten inspiring entrepreneurs who deserve tremendous support.

One by one, small business owners described his or her company to the panel of judges who included Taylor Erkkinen, Co-Owner, The Brooklyn Kitchen; Michael Hurwitz, Director, NYC Greenmarkets (GrowNYC); Liz Neumark, CEO, Great Performances Catering, Katchkie Farm; Elly Truesdell, NE Regional Local Forager, Whole Foods; and our very own Jon Zeltsman, President, Down to Earth Markets. Emilie Baltz expertly moderated the panel.

The first entrepreneur, Arshad Bahl, presented Amrita Health Foods, his plant-based energy bar company. The bars are raw, vegan, grain-free and free of the 8 major allergens. Yet, while those words can seem like familiar chorus, his story made them ring clearly. When his son was two-years old, he was diagnosed with autism. In response, he and his wife drastically changed their son’s diet, and now at age 9, their son is off of autism spectrum. Their son’s transformation is the catalyst behind their company.

Along with way, we also heard from entrepreneurs as varied as a farm on Staten Island, purely dedicated to Mexican heritage foods, to Lindsay Jakubowski of Kriemhild Dairy Farms who told the audience that last year butter sales exceeded margarine sales for the first time in 40 years.

After each presentation, the judges offered their feedback as well as a score on the scale of 1 to 5. A score of 1 meant “not ready to fund today” to a score of 5 meaning, “ready to fund here and now.” The first 5 of the night went to Mark Jaffe of Fresh Connection, a service that aggregates food from local farms in upstate New York for delivery to wholesale accounts and restaurants in the city. His work focuses on a weak link in the local food chain: “last mile delivery.” Jaffe’s execution of a simple, yet sorely needed idea won the competition with the highest score from the judges. As he collected his $500 honorarium in the form of a giant check, he said he was thrilled to receive the award on behalf of truck drivers who are his “unsung heroes.”

After last week’s event, we’ve all got a lot of heroes to sing about.

Day Vendors This Week


Calcutta Kitchens
Flourish Baking Company
Hudson River Apiaries
Mortgage Apple Cakes
Robinson & Co. Catering Company (British-inspired prepared foods to go)


Bombay Emerald Chutney Company

Down to Earth Markets 173 Main Street Ossining, NY 10562 Phone: 914-923-4837

Londoners priced out of real estate market blame foreigners | Katonah Real Estate


Protesters shouting “No more homes for millionaires!” outside London City Hall this week want real estate developers to stop pandering to wealthy foreign buyers and start building more housing that locals can afford.

Sparking the protest was a plan by Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. to build up to 3,500 new homes not far from London’s Canary Wharf financial district. Mayor Boris Johnson has approved the project.“These are the kind of homes that local people will never be able to afford,” said Cheryl Coyne, a 63-year-old semiretired schoolteacher.

“There are thousands of people in the borough who need homes, and instead they’re building flats for multimillionaires.”Average London house prices increased 18 percent in the first quarter from a year earlier, the most since 2003, to a record 362,699 pounds ($604,000), the Nationwide Building Society said.

Much of that increase stems from wealthy non-British investors seeking assets that would hold their value. Builders use advance sales, often to buyers from Asia, to help finance new projects. Foreign-born buyers made 69 percent of central London new-home purchases in the two years through June 2013, with 28 percent living outside the U.K., broker Knight Frank LLP said in October.

When the Malaysian owners of the Battersea Power Station project, on the south bank of the River Thames, sold the first 866 homes in just three days in January, more than half went to foreign buyers.




Source: Bloomberg – See more at: http://www.inman.com/wire/londoners-priced-out-of-real-estate-market-blame-foreigners/?utm_source=20140404&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=dailyheadlinesam#sthash.F8Or8wU6.dpuf

Australia Housing Report Revives Bubble Fears | Katonah Homes

Australia’s latest housing data, while promising on the surface, has increased concern the market may be overheating, posing a potential threat to a still fragile economic recovery.

A government report Monday showed the value of home loans approved in Australia rose 1.1% in November from October and 15% from a year earlier, confirming that record-low interest rates are continuing to fuel demand for houses and apartments.

However, the data also highlighted two trends that policy makers will be less thrilled about.

First, the rise in the value of mortgages approved continues to be driven by people looking to invest in property, rather than those seeking to move into houses or apartments. Second, first-home buyers are increasingly being frozen out of a market in which house prices have hit record highs in some large cities.

“While owner-occupier demand is intensifying, investor demand is surging well ahead,” said Janu Chan, a Sydney-based economist at St. George Bank in a note to clients, pointing out that investor loans for housing exceeded 30% in November.





For 2014 listen to your clients, neighbors and smart friends | Cross River Homes

It isn’t even December yet, and I’m already tired of the holidays and of reading about what I need to do to be successful in 2014.

Usually the articles are about the three, five, eight, 10 or 14 things that I need to do. Before throwing caution to the wind and taking all of that wonderful advice, I like to consider who is writing it and why. There are plenty of armchair real estate quarterbacks who just know what we need to do to be successful.

They give advice and never have to implement any of the ideas. Right now I can’t see any reason why 2014 will be very different from 2013. I think the tight inventory of homes for sale will loosen up a bit, and interest rates will rise slightly, as will home prices. Real estate is local, so that last sentence may not apply to your market. Here are 10 things I think everyone should take into consideration as they plan for 2014:

1. The Internet is not going to replace most real estate agents, and it isn’t going to go away.



– See more at: http://www.inman.com/2013/11/22/tune-out-generic-advice-on-how-to-succeed-in-2014-and-listen-to-your-clients-neighbors-and-smart-friends/#sthash.cjZ4CeAZ.dpuf

Katonah Credit Score Tips for November | by Tracey Becker | Katonah Real Estate


  • Check your credit scores at least a year or two prior to looking for properties.
  • If you are purchasing your scores online buy them from the MYFICO.com site.  Other sites may have totally different score ranges then the score the banker is using for loan approval.  There are Fico, Vantage, Plus, Equifax, Credit Karma, and many more scores available online.
  • Lenders usually take the “middle score” not the “median or average” of the three credit bureau Fico scores.  Order all three Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax Fico scores from the site to find out what your  middle score is.
  • A FICO score of a 740 plus is considered excellent.  If you have a score under a 740 talk to a credit expert and get advice on how to improve it.  Do not get credit advice from a Dentist, Uncle, Parent, or anyone who is not credit qualified.  Sadly so many do and wind up hurting their credit.
  • Pulling your own credit scores at the MYFICO site will not drop your scores at all.
  • Keeping balances low “under 10% of aggregate and individual limits” on revolving credit for at least 2 months prior to mortgage application will give creditors enough time to make sure balance updates are posted to the three credit bureaus.  This will reflect a higher score when the banker pulls credit.
  • Do not co-sign for any credit if you are not in full control of making timely payments or prepared to pay the full debt yourself.
  • Do not open credit or close credit since scores can drop dramatically.  Opening credit can reduce the average age of credit.  Closing credit can take away from a well balanced credit portfolio or reduce aggregate limits on revolving credit which can drop scores dramatically.   In some cases credit needs to be opened for loan approval but only your banker can advise you of this.
  • Make sure all payments are paid on time and if you set up auto pay write down/file confirmation numbers.
  • If you change bank accounts or close a credit card make sure ALL auto pay’s associated with the account are transferred to the new account immediately.  Many consumers forget to put E-Z pass or their gym payments on the new bank account or credit card and wind up with new late payments or collections on credit.
  • Remember the higher your Fico score the more options you will have as a borrower.  Even .25%  more of an interest rate can mean higher payments costing hundreds of thousands of dollars over the life of a 30 year loan.  A higher credit score can also give a buyer the ability to qualify for a larger mortgage if needed.



Tracy Becker


Wayne Newtown’s Hideously Overpriced Ranch Asks $70M | Katonah Real Estate

29 images

Arabian horses and lemurs may have once frolicked on the 36-acre grounds of Casa de Shenandoah, Wayne Newton’s Las Vegas estate, but the real zoo these days is its price tag: it’s just been listed for a crazy—nay, insane, nay, utterly inconceivable—$70M. As Redfin Blog points out, there are eight separate homes on the property, a “car museum” (that must mean “garage,” in brokerbabble), 37 stables, an “equestrian pool,” a tennis court, and, best of all, a “jumbo jet and terminal” meant to be used—as if there were any doubt by those marbleized interiors—”for entertaining.” Yet it’s unclear from the photos where, exactly, the “excess of 15-20 Million in improvements” went.

Mr. Las Vegas and his wife, Kathleen, lived at Casa de Shenandoah for nearly 45 years, but in recent years the place has been riddled with lawsuits and squabbles. In 2010, a developer purchased the estate for $19.5M in an agreement that would help the Newtons out of bankruptcy, so long as they agreed to vacate and build a smaller place for themselves right on the property so that the main house could be turned into a Wayne Newton-themed theme park, complete with a museum, gift shop, and dinner theater. Newton didn’t actually seem against the idea; in fact, he retained a 20 percent stake in the development company and seemed to see the financial potential in the museum idea. An excerpt from 2010 AP coverage:

“In Newton’s vision, visitors to Casa de Shenandoah would tour select parts of his 10,000-square-foot home amid the plush white carpets, gold-trimmed doors, impressionist paintings by Pierre-Auguste Renoir and 17th-century antiques collected from European castles. 

They might glance at the singer’s favorite space, a cramped office just to the right of his lavish living room, where the ominous red paint splashed on the walls is barely visible behind the shelves and stacks of mementoes collected during his 50-plus years in show business.”


Things didn’t go as planned, though, and last year the entertainer was sued for allegedly dragging his feet on moving out, not handing over the agreed-upon memorabilia, and, uh, “deliberately thwarted construction efforts, including sexually harassing construction workers,” according to the International Business Times. The Las Vegas Sun has a brilliant breakdown of the suit, as well as Newton’s countersuit; as a sneak preview, it involves people accusing each other of shooting Rhodesian ridgebacks.

Back to the estate at hand: this summer, Newton settled for an undisclosed sum and finally left; the animals, according to Redfin, have been sold to wildlife centers; and the developer dropped its plans to proceed with “Graceland West,” as the theme park has been called. Last Dec., a judge greenlit Casa de Shanandoah to go to auction—at which point a relatively decent crop of listing photos surfaced online—but the auction never actually happened. Now, of course, the home where Ellen Griswold has her date with Newton, playing himself, in the 1997 flick Vegas Vacation is seeking someone to shell out $70M. Let’s just hope some of those “impressionist paintings by Pierre-Auguste Renoir” are factored in.




Fall Is Calling: What to Do in Your October Garden | Waccabuc Real Estate

like having options  — from which flavor of tea to drink after lunch to which route I’ll take to walk home. Gardening this month is no different. Whether you’re after garden chores or perhaps some seasonal puttering, it’s all about picking your own path.
You can prep soil for spring planting, divide grasses and transplant perennials, even tuck in more cool-season edibles. Alternatively, you can just enjoy fall’s splendor and put off some of the season’s more tedious tasks. Let fallen leaves provide hearty mulch for your lawns and hold off, for now, on cutting back spent summer and fall plants. Instead, take some time to sit back and watch the leaves change. It’s your garden, so enjoy it. Here’s what you can do in your garden this October.
Find your October garden checklist:
California | Central Plains | Great Lakes | Mid-Atlantic | Northeast
Pacific Northwest | Rocky Mountains | Southeast | Southwest | Texas

traditional landscape by Le jardinet

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Northwest. “Refresh your container gardens with a selection of winter-hardy evergreen shrubs, perennials and seasonal color spots,” says landscape designer Karen Chapman.
For a festive fall arrangement, she says that “small conifers, bright spurge (Euphorbia spp) and evergreen sedums are easy candidates for containers — especially when dressed up with a few cheerful pansies.”
It’s also time to plant spring-blooming bulbs — even in containers. “Dwarf daffodils, hyacinths and crocuses are just a few of the possibilities,” Chapman says.
Shown: ‘Princess Irene’ tulips are stunning with ‘Peach Flambe’ coral bells (Heuchera).
Get her Northwest October checklist
traditional landscape Pomegranate Tree

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California. Garden editor Bill Marken suggests potting trees and shrubs for a permanent and festive seasonal touch.
“Pomegranates symbolize fall in Mediterannean climates,” Marken writes. “Like early Christmas ornaments, the fat, round red fruits hang heavy on spindly branches along with small leaves turning an autumn yellow. For a container, look for a dwarf variety such as ‘Nana’, displaying fall foliage and tiny red fruits if you’re lucky.”
Get his California October checklist | More tips for the California garden
mediterranean landscape by Donna Lynn - Landscape Designer

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Southwest. Water management is still important this month. “Continue to monitor and reset the timers on any controllers you may have, especially in the low and middle zones. As temperatures decrease, reduce the water needed,” writes New Mexico landscape designer David Cristiani.
“If you are planning a landscape for a barren area or for an area outside plant roots, create water harvesting opportunities to benefit plantings and some visual interest by installing subtle basins, swales and berms away from structures, where lush plantings are desired,” he says.
Get his Southwest October checklist

With Upturn, Homes Are More Specialized and Technologically Savvy | South Salem Real Estate

With the national recovery of the housing market has come a return to larger and more expensive homes. Residential architects are reporting more specialized uses of space and the growing interest in special function rooms. Examples include outdoor living spaces, mud rooms, in-law suites, and safe rooms. With more specialized uses of space has come an increased interest in special features, many of which provide greater accessibility for an aging population. New technologies are also seeing a dramatic increase in popularity, both in new and remodeled homes. Popular new products offer greater energy efficiency and often provide households with fewer maintenance obligations.

These are some of the key findings from the AIA’s Home Design Trends Survey from the second quarter of 2013. Business conditions have been steadily trending up since early 2012, and—given the strong levels of inquiries for new projects, the growing levels of project backlogs, and the uniformly strong readings from firms across all regions of the country—workloads for residential architects promise to remain strong in the quarters ahead. During the past year, residential architects have reported a recovery in virtually every residential construction sector. Coupled with already strong readings in home improvement activity, there now is a very strong base for future improvement in market conditions.

Special function rooms rebound in popularity

As home sizes shrank during the housing downturn, special function rooms were particularly hard hit. Many households view special function rooms as discretionary, and therefore easier to eliminate as homes were downsized. Now that average home sizes are growing again, interest in special function rooms is beginning to reemerge.

Rooms that have seen particularly strong growth in popularity over the past year are outdoor living areas and rooms, and mud rooms/drop zones. Almost 63 percent of residential architects surveyed report that interest in outdoor living areas/rooms are increasing, while fewer than 2 percent report interest to be declining. For mud rooms/drop zones, more than 45 percent of respondents report increased interest, while only about 1 percent report a decline. For both of these areas, scores are well up from year-ago levels.




Jersey Leads in Mortgage Fraud Factors | Waccabuc Real Estate

New Jersey was the only state to make it on all three top 10 lists for mortgage fraud and misrepresentation reported to MIDEX, potential collusion and property defaults, according to the LexisNexis® Risk Solutions 15th Annual Mortgage Fraud Report.

Five states appear on both the Investigation and Origination Mortgage Fraud Indices (MFIs) and the newly-established list of Property Default Rankings: Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Nevada and Ohio.1

Ohio, which ranked first on the Origination MFI list, with a ranking of 224, had more than two times the expected rate of fraud or misrepresentation based on origination volume.

“This year’s study suggests that the more shared problematic economic indicators a state has, the greater its financial challenges will be in the coming years,” said Tom Brown, Senior Vice President, Financial Services, LexisNexis. “With Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) mortgage regulations going into effect in January 2014, and demanding new rules for quality loans, it will be interesting to see what impact this has on overall mortgage defaults.”

Five states – Arizona, California, Florida, New Jersey and New York – occupy space on both the Investigation and Origination MFIs.

Eight states – Alabama, Delaware, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont – rank highly on both Collusion Indicator Indices (CIIs) as areas with high percentages of potential non-arm’s length transaction activity.

Analysis of all loans investigated in 2012 and submitted to MIDEX shows a five-year high of 69 percent of all reports received having some type of application misrepresentation or fraud. Similarly, when focusing on just those loans originated in 2012, 61 percent report application misrepresentation and/or fraud. This is up from 49 percent of loans originated in 2011 and 43 percent in 2010.

For the first time in the study, a nationwide aggregation of available LexisNexis property data was used to determine states most likely suffering from the largest percentage of properties in default. Florida and Nevada experienced the most dramatic decreases in properties in default even though they were ranked first and fourth, respectively, on the list for 2012.


