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The global real estate market in 2039 will be city-centric, with an increased focus on Asia and other emerging markets, and more investment by the public, according to senior executives at some of the world’s largest investment firms.

The big money sees China, India and other Asian markets as drivers of real estate growth—and investment opportunities.

“Asia will be the future of real estate over the next 25 years,” said Jonathan Gray, who manages about $79 billion for clients as global head of real estate for the Blackstone Group. “The largest investment markets will be in China, India and other countries in the region given their rate of growth. Both public and private real estate markets will be much, much bigger.”

A common criticism of Asian economic growth is the relative disregard for the environment. That concern could be a long term investment opportunity, such as taking advantage of high pollution in China, according to LaSalle Investment Management, a $47.6 billion real estate investment firm.

“Although China will be switching over to renewables by 2039, concerns about unhealthy air will be so intense after two decades of respiratory diseases that they could likely pioneer buildings with filtered air, oxygen supplements and artificial light to replace lost sunlight,” said Jacques Gordon, LaSalle’s head of global research and strategy.

Key to Asia’s rise in real estate will be the increasing importance of its urban centers, a global theme.

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