In 2010 there were 90 sales in the Chappaqua real estate market. In 2009 there were 89 sales. The market has been flat.
The median price of a sold 2010 Chappaqua NY Home was $913,500. In 2009 it was $870,000. A 5% increase.
2010 Chappaqua Sales statistics.
90 homes sold
3093 ave. square feet
$2,290,000 high price
$288,000 low price
$913,500 median price
$323 ave. price per foot
166 ave. days on market
94.75% sold price to ask
2009 Chappaqua Sales statistics
89 homes sold
3189 ave. square feet
$3,000,000 high price
$380,000 low price
$870,000 median price
$324 ave. price per foot
182 ave. days on market
93.59% sold price to ask