Armonk Homes | Latest News from the Town of North Castle



  Saturday Update about the

Effects of Hurricane Irene in North Castle 


As of early this morning we were down to 29 residences without power.  These outages were spread throughout Town.  I have been working with Con Edison this morning to isolate and correct the problems so that power can be restored to these residents.


Now that Con Edison has repaired most of the damaged wires, Verizon and Cablevision have started working in all areas of North Castle.  If you have service issues, please refer to the customer support contact information on your bill for the appropriate service provider number.


Con Edison told me yesterday that they will be working in North Castle for the next several weeks to make certain that all prescribed operational standards are met including lifting low hanging wires.  


An important reminder:  call 1-800-75-CONED to report a power outage especially if your neighbor has power and you don’t.  The issue might be your service connection.  If unreported, Con Edison will not know about single house issues.


If you suspect there is damage to the electric service connections to your home, please call your electrician to make sure the wires from the street to your home are in working order.  If the service connection has been pulled from the house, your electrician will need to repair that connection.


I have made arrangements with Suburban Carting for three containers to be left behind Town Hall next to the Highway Department.  Place your spoiled food and recyclables in the appropriately marked container.  Please read the labels. The containers will be there through Monday.


All of us are most appreciative to the volunteers and Town employees who have worked long hours to help in every way possible to get the power restored.  Highway crews began picking up brush, but please be patient.  Clearing the debris will not be an overnight process.



Our website lists support services and resources.




William R. Weaver, Supervisor




Town of North Castle
15 Bedford Road
Armonk, New York 10504

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