Pound Ridge NY Real Estate | Google+ oversharing issues – a video walk through for Pound Ridge NY Homes


While watching the Facebook Announcement on Video chat I was also messing around with Google plus, reorganising my existing circles and looking forward to reorganising all my remaining contacts. Mark Zuckerberg talked about sharing and the growth that is being seen in sharing activity, did you know that there are over 4 billion things shared every day?

It got me thinking that I should perhaps stop having fun “circling” my friends and take a look at the privacy and sharing settings on Google+. If you’ve just set up your Google+ account this quick walk through should be of use, especially if you’ve been focusing on the more exciting functionality of circles and huddles.

Although Google are advising that a Google+ experience for business will be coming in this year, there may be times when showing you as an individual is appropriate and if you want to use Google+ as an individual, now is the time to become more familiar with the privacy settings as Google has confirmed this week that private profiles will be deleted at the end of July.

If you have concerns about oversharing this short video will show you the options that are available for both your profile, the things you share and for those ever popular circles.

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