It’s hard to go anywhere these days without seeing someone talking or tapping away on their mobile device. In fact, chances are high that you are viewing this page right now from your smart phone.
People are using their smartphones for all sorts of social activities including browsing the Internet, updating their Facebook page or Twitter stream, and even “checking in” using location-based services like Gowalla, Foursquare, and Facebook’s location feature. However, did you know that – like McDonalds – “billions and billions” of text messages are sent every year?
Consumers want information. They want to do business with you. Some may not know it yet, but they do. If you don’t have a mobile strategy yet, think about the “billions and billions” of text messages (and dollars) you are missing.
SMS (short message service) or text-messaging is one of the fastest-growing marketing channels with the most reach worldwide. It’s ideal for marketers because it is immediate, direct, and two-way.
By now you may be saying, “Great. But how does this relate to email marketing?” We’re glad you asked.
How Text/SMS Can Help You Become A Better Email Marketer
Text/SMS can complement your email marketing efforts and help to grow your email database.
Complement your email marketing efforts by:
- Creating brand awareness
- Generating leads
- Serving as a new channel to communicate with your audience
Set-up text message programs separate from, or integrated with, your existing email marketing programs. Email and text messaging are a powerful combination, allowing you to use text-messaging to promote email opt-in, or use email to create awareness about your new SMS channel.
Help grow your email database:
One of the chapters in our 50 Ways to Build Your Email Marketing List eBook talks about using mobile/SMS to grow your list. Suggestions include:
- Offer mobile subscription via text message: If you’ve got a strong mobile program, you may already have a short code available. Let prospective customers subscribe to your lists via short code (e.g., text your email address to 41411) and capture them on the spot.This is especially effective when people are standing around for a bit.
- Investigate 2D barcodes and QR: Mobile phones with cameras are just beginning to adopt Quick Response codes or 2D barcodes. Generate a QR code and include it any place people are likely to be using mobile phones with cameras and QR applications, even the back of your business cards.
- Use a mobile application to collect email addresses: At a tradeshow or conference? Use an iPhone app (or other platform application) to take new subscribers on the spot, rather than waiting to do data import later. Be sure, of course, that a privacy notice is displayed prominently and clearly. Read more about this tip in action!
- Optimize for mobile: Ensure that all of your email marketing efforts have mobile versions and are well-optimized for the mobile reader. Include phone numbers in standard formats in your messages so that when forwarded, others can call you. Make links for Forward to a Friend and Share With Your Network obvious and near the top of your message so mobile readers don’t have to scroll far to use them.
Convinced yet? Ready to go mobile? Contact us now!
Mobile Email Marketing for the Armonk NY real estate market | Armonk NY Homes
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