Bedford Corners NY Real Estate | Oodle offers Facebook recommendations app | Inman News

Oodle offers Facebook recommendations app

Client testimonials appear alongside paid subscribers’ ‘Marketplace’ listings

Online classified ad service Oodle has launched a Facebook “recommendations” app that allows real estate brokers and agents and other businesses with Facebook pages to solicit testimonials from clients.

Recommendations are shared with the reviewer’s friends in their Facebook news feed, posted on the agent’s wall, and in the recommendations tab hosted on their page.

For Oodle Pro subscribers, recommendations can also be added to listings displayed within Marketplace, Oodle’s “social classifieds” on Facebook, and Oodle says Marketplace has more than 14 million monthly users, and is available on iPhone and Android phones.

The app allows users to share information on new listings, and when agents have email addresses for clients or prospects they can recruit them to become a fan and leave a recommendation.

Users can set up the Oodle recommendations app by entering an email address and allowing for notification and moderation of new recommendations. The agent has the choice to thank the reviewer, respond if a portion of the review needs to be addressed, or remove it if the agent deems it inappropriate.

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