5 ways to better your real estate business
Kaira Rouda reveals success tips in new book
By Bernice Ross, Monday, May 2, 2011.
Image courtesy of Greenleaf Book Group LLC.Kaira Rouda, founder of Real You, the brand creator for Real Living, and best-selling author of "Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs," has just released her first novel, "Here, Home, Hope."
"Here, Home, Hope" is not only a fun read — it’s a primer from one of real estate’s most successful women on how to build a successful real estate practice.
Kelly Mills Johnson, age 39, is the mother of two teenage boys who is facing a midlife crisis. As you follow Kelly’s journey from housewife and mom to budding home stager, Rouda provides a road map for business success coupled with plenty of laughs and tears along the way.
One of Kelly’s most endearing traits is her constant creation of Post-it notes for her "Things to Change" list. Below are five of the 20 items from Kelly’s list that are worth exploring in your real estate business.
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