4 Ways to Optimize the SEO Funnel for your Long Tail Keywords

4 Ways to Optimize the SEO Funnel for your Long Tail Keywords

In managing SEO, you have to think more than just about getting great rankings for targeted keywords and scalable traffic. You should to expense some time and energy into optimizing your SEO funnel, from when the visitor clicks your link in the SERPs and comes on over to your highly ranked blog posts because rankings and traffic mean nothing without conversions and sales.

Here are 4 ways to optimize your funnel for when people come through the search engines and stumble upon your blog posts

1. Add Email Captures at the end of blog posts

After you’ve given them some free value, which comes from your awesome blog posts, you can create an email capture box and offer your visitor some more value in exchange for their email, whether it be a whitepaper, case study, or even a discount on your product since you’ll have had a warm lead that appreciated the value you offered them first, which was your informative blog post, and they would be more likely to bite if the offer is relevant to what they searched for and what they’re hoping to get.

2. Plugging Ads to specific products your business offers in your sidebar

This won’t seem too spammy, considering you would be placing ads to your own site rather than other products sold by third parties, and a little self-promotion doesn’t hurt anyone. So, when people clickthrough from the SERPs to your blog post, they’ll see the nice ads in the sidebar for products related to the blog post they’re about to read, which is related to their original search query.

3. Strategic Internal Linking within your posts

This is a less obvious method of funneling them through to what your business offers, because you can be sneaky and insert links readers will want to click within your posts, which will lead them to product pages or email capture pages so they can either explore your products and purchase, or so they can give up their personal information in exchange for some more free value.

4. Having an in-frame Pop-Up Offer in exchange for emails

This is a bit different from just adding email captures since it’s a far bolder move that might be seen as a bit invasive and forward, but it works really well when you have incredibly compelling offers like steep discounts on product, free things, or the promise of tremendous value in some other form.

With these different methods, you can ensure you’re capturing more leads and are converting more sales, rather than having visitors read your blog posts, think, “I learned a lot just now,” and exiting out and moving on with their lives since you didn’t funnel them to share their email or make a purchase.

Does anyone else have recommendations for ways to optimize the long-tail SEO funnel?

  • I think internal linking is a great way to provide value for your readers. Linking to related blog posts or product pages can help pull them further into your site without forcing it on them. It has to be subtle though, you can’t pepper your blog posts with links.

  • I think you did a great job not only highlighting the importance of optimizing for after the search user has clicked through to your site, but listed some clever ways for how readers can do so. Thanks.


  • Great sharing ! Have been writing blogs and not knowing SEO is so important to get traffic in. Learn a lot from your article and will start to pay a lot more attention on on page and off page SEO!

  • http://www.resg.info Anton Stetner

    great post. Really agree with point 3. If the reader is really engaged because of your content then offer them one of your services via a well placed link is crucial. And on point 4 I had never really thought of being this bold and it is a strategy worth trying while closely monitoring your traffic to see if your readers are put off by it or if created “warmer” leads. In other words is my conversion higher here vs driving them to product / landing page.

  • http://www.hollman-alu.nl Aluminium Kozijnen

    Strategy is very important to before you start your work.. That internal linking is the best way to improve that keywords.. Thanks for sharing this idea with us..

  • http://www.mobilecubix.com iPhone App Development

    Hey Nick

    You right,internal link is a great way to provide value for your readers but you also create the external link also because When you create external link so readers know about your service/product.External link also highlighted your website over the internet market.”You make the Loud Shout for Your Website”

  • http://www.mobilecubix.com iPhone App Development

    Hey Nick

    You right,internal link is a great way to provide value for your readers but you also create the external link also because When you create external link so readers know about your service/product.External link also highlighted your website over the internet market.”You make the Loud Shout for Your Website”

  • nice!!!

  • Thanks for sharing such a nice and informative post. Well i believe now a perfect strategy is required if you want to optimize keywords. Both on page and off page SEO is needed in order to get required results.

  • These are some great tips. I think too few blogs take advantage of pitching their email campaign/RSS feed after handing out some good free info. Great tips!

  • Great tips, I have to add the email form after my post now.

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